Qunut Supplication: Audibly or Inaudibly?
Question: When making the qunut for a peril is it required that the du’a is said out loud with the hands raised? Are only our qunuts said silently? Also, when joining the Imam in the second rakat of Isha, do I
Prostrating for Omitting the Surah after Al-Fatiha
Question: According to the Maliki view, what is the ruling if one omits a surah after the opening fatiha in one or both rakah of salah; does this necessitate a prostration of forgetfulness? Can one minimally say 1 ayah? Answer: If someone happens
Audible & Inaudible Salat
Question: Is it halal for to offer the loud salat (such as fajr) in silence? Answer: The minimum degree of audibleness is to hear your self and for the person next to you to hear you if you imagine one to be there.
Correcting Mistakes in Prayer
When the Wali is the Woman’s Brother
Question: If the Bride’s Wali (marriage guardian) is her brother, does he have to perform the actual contracting? Is it sufficient that he approves and witnesses the contracting process that is materially performed by her maternal uncle (considered the head of
A Muslim Wali for a Non-Muslim Woman
Question: Can I please have some clarification on the issue of guardian in case the woman is from Ahl-Kitab (Christian or Jewish)? Does she still require a wali (marriage guardian), and if so, who performs the task? Also, is marrying women
Is it Possible for Allah to Have a Son?
Question: My question is, (1) Are the people who believe Allah can have a son but will never have one (or they believe He can create another god but he won’t actually do it) still Muslims? (2) Is a person allowed to
The Intention for Fasting in the Maliki School
Question: If you have decided and made intention to fast every Monday, do you still have to remake intention every Sunday night for the fast to be valid on Monday? Answer: Yes. In order for any fast to be valid, one must make
Terrible Sin During Ramadan
Question: A brother committed zina in Ramadan. He believes that his fast is ruined, though the act was committed during the night. What can he do to obtain Allah ta Ala’s forgiveness ? Response: He should resolve not to return to zina. Zina
The Modern Need for Calculation: The Celebration of Eid
Question: I want to express a few points that I believe are not sufficiently addressed by our modern scholars when it comes to the issue. I’m not a scholar of Islamic jurisprudence by any means and I can’t argue against legal